Wonder often.
And write.
These pages are wanderings… to places, to thoughts, experiences and life. Wonder is always tucked within these wanderings… sometimes it is the wonder that questions and sometimes the wonder that answers.
Perhaps in my wanderings, you will find some of your wonderings.

South Carolina

Hi. My name is Anna and I am a natural born wander-er. I remember my parents’ distress, when as a child I would disappear from their sides, following whatever magical thing grabbed my attention. (Later, naturally, I got to experience this distress as my own child disappeared from my side and I would search frantically for her. Sigh. Karma). Now, without my parents to pull me back in, I try to wander within the bounds of adult responsibility… thus, the wonderings. As a day job therapist, wonderings are required, as they are the key to insight and real time changes, and as a person that chases magic outside the boundaries of a parents safe influence, wonderings are essential. Please join me as I wander around and wonder at the crossing of psychology, human experience, and stepping just slightly outside the bounds of what is expected.